Saturday, October 5, 2024



21-27 August Week And Mercury Retro

August 22, 2023 Mercury is stationary, August 24, 2023 Mercury starts retrograde. September 14, 2023 Mercury begins its forward movement on September 16, 2023,...

14-20 August Week And Lion New Moon

We start the week with Venus-Chiron trine (positive). Ending resentments, reconciliation, and repairing the wounds in the heart will be on the agenda. If...

7-13 August Week Comments

We will start the week with the Sun-Jupiter square. We are in a difficult period in finance, career and education. It is a process...

31 July-6 August Week And Full Moon In Aquarius

On August 1, 2023, we will experience a super Moon (Full Moon) in Aquarius with the Moon and Sun facing each other. It will...

July 24-30 Week And Venus Retro

We start the week with Venus retrograde. From July 24 to September 03, Venus will retrograde in Leo. A period when we will witness...

17-23 July Week And The New Moon In Cancer

We start the week with the sign change of the Lunar Nodes, which takes place every 1.5 years and has fateful effects. The Scorpio-Taurus...