Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Week of December 25-31 and Full Moon in Cancer



We will experience the last full moon of 2023 on December 26 in TR and on December 27 in the USA at 4 degrees of Cancer. This full moon will be Mercury retrograde but supported by Jupiter and Saturn. We can talk about a period in which we will be joyful and happy with the sextile angle of Jupiter and Saturn in the full moon. In a karmic sense, Retrogrades in Capricorn are very important. But we can say that Capricorn Retrogrades are the times when good but bad rewards are received… In this process, the positive angle of Saturn, the ruler of Mercury, to the full moon will reward us in terms of receiving the reward of the painful processes in which we were exposed to behavior we did not deserve and suffered injustice. At the time of the full moon, the Moon is in Cancer, the sign it rules, and we can talk about a process in which the Moon’s being in Cancer will reflect its positive effects to the fullest. Family, home, settlement and nutrition issues will be our main agenda. There will be times when your emotionality will peak. Let’s not be offended by everything and make the situation tense. On December 29, Venus will leave Scorpio and begin its journey in Sagittarius, which is cheerful and famous for its laughter. Chiron retrograde ends on December 27th. The meaning of Chiron actually means skillful and skillful hands. It is common sense in humans, it is the state of mind of humans. As it leaves the retro position, it indicates the times when we will go through processes where we can repair our soul. On January 1, 2024, Jupiter will leave Retrograde and start moving direct. The Venus-Neptune triangle will occur on December 25, and it will be a process in which emotions such as compassion, love, and inspiration will be active. The Mercury-Neptune square will occur on December 26th. Situations such as deception, deception, and lies will be at play. It will be to our benefit to be very careful in every step we take. The Sun-Jupiter triangle will occur on December 27th. We are in a period where we can take steps on financial issues, education and law. The Mercury-Mars conjunction will occur on December 27. It may cause situations that will cause serious problems in communication. It is useful to stay as calm as possible. It will be in our best interest to stay away from fights and arguments. The Mars-Neptune square will occur on December 28th. During this period, we may not benefit from the work we are involved in. There will be situations such as making mistakes and making mistakes. Also, let’s be careful about what we eat and drink. Situations such as poisoning may occur. Venus-Pluto sextile will take place on December 29th. It will be a process in which passion will be active and our sense of ownership will increase. (effective for -/+ 5 days)

Let’s come to our rising signs,

ARIES: The full moon will affect your 4-10 axis. In other words, issues such as your home, family, and career will be on your agenda. If you have plans such as buying a house, selling a house, investing in land, this is the period when you will see the results. These issues will now become clear. Also, if you are thinking of marriage, it is possible to take a step this period. You will be relieved financially. It is possible for you to receive the money you have been waiting for or to make financial gains related to the business you have undertaken. Saturn’s support will be behind you regarding your career. It is possible to receive your karmic rewards in your career field.

TAURUS: The full moon will affect your 3-9 lines. Issues such as commercial activities, communication, advertising, organization, siblings, cousins, close friends, and close circle will be on your agenda. You may purchase a vehicle or your vehicle may come to your agenda. You are in a process where you will experience good developments in terms of implementing your plans and projects. With the support of Saturn, you will play an important role in your social environment and every initiative you take will come back to you with a reward. The important thing is that you progress in your work without being judged. Your appetite may increase, those with weight problems should be careful.

GEMINI: The full moon will affect your 2-8th axis. In other words, your financial resources and expenses will be on your agenda. You are in a period where you will have plenty of money financially. Saturn in your career house will support you karmically. However, if you have not violated the rights of the people around you while climbing the stairs in your career, yes, Saturn is with you. Otherwise, you are likely to do more harm than good. You are in the process where you need to pay attention to your communication language in order to avoid problems with your spouse, partner and bilateral relations. Being in the “I know everything” mode towards the other person can be tense.

CANCER: The full moon will be in your sign. Your agenda will be entirely yourself and your bilateral relations. You are in a period where you will make the necessary effort to complete whatever you have left unfinished about yourself. You may experience a period in which your emotions are intense. You may remember some things about your mother. You can question. You can solve your problems within the family. You are in a process where you need to be very careful about the communication language you use in your business life. You may be misunderstood, or you may say inappropriate things, so be careful. You are in a period where you can get the support you expect from your social circle.

LEO: The full moon will affect your 12-6 axis. You may want to retreat into your inner world and be alone. It is possible for you to feel emotionally tired. You may learn some facts about issues that concern your family. You should pay attention to your communication language with your children. You should act without being harsh or overreacting. Being prejudiced against your partner in your love life may cause a rift between you. It will be beneficial for you to stay away from overly exaggerated expenses. You may want to start trading and start researching the necessary conditions.

VIRGO: The full moon will affect your axis at 11-5. You are in a process where you will be very active in the social field. You will be able to make some breakthroughs that will be at the forefront. Thanks to the support you will receive from your spouse, partner or bilateral relations, it is possible for you to make unexpected progress in a very short time in the work you start. There are developments in buying a house, selling a house, and investing in land. This is a period when you should be careful about possible tensions within the family or during property buying and selling transactions, and pay attention to every word that comes out of your mouth. There will be situations such as entering into business or establishing a joint business with family members.

LIBRA: The full moon will affect your 10-4 axis. So your career, home and family life will be on your agenda. Those who have problems in business life can leave their current job. You can start your own business thanks to the increase in your spouse’s financial income. You can turn your existing business into a home office. You can decide to get married and change your home. You may be going through a very active and somewhat tiring process. There may be inheritance and there may be legal initiatives regarding this. In this process, you are in a process where you need to pay attention to your communication language. You are in a period when you need to be careful to hear what comes out of your mouth in order to avoid tense relations with your siblings, cousins, close friends and neighbors and to avoid being misunderstood.

SCORPIO: The full moon will affect your 9-3 axis. In other words, academic education, abroad, foreign related affairs, legal affairs, religious issues, visa, passport procedures and commercial activities will be on your agenda. You can enter into partnership business. A very active process regarding business agreements and contracts will be waiting for you. Don’t make promises you can’t keep regarding financial matters. Otherwise, you may be in a difficult situation. If you are in a serious relationship, you can decide to get married. Don’t get too caught up in the entertainment life. Be very careful about what you eat, drink and the medications you take to avoid poisoning during this period.

SAGITTARIUS: The full moon will affect your 8-2 line. In other words, your financial gains, issues such as banks, loans, checks, promissory notes, receivables, taxes, insurance and inheritance will be on your agenda. If you make the right decisions, you can solve your financial problems this period. There is an unexpected development in your business life. You may shed tears of joy with this development. Sagittarians who are unemployed can get a job this period. You are about to receive your karmic dues regarding your home and family. You should be careful about misunderstandings within the household and listen to what comes out of your mouth. Don’t make a fuss about everything, take a deep breath and stay calm so as not to tense the ropes.

CAPRICORN: The full moon will affect your 7-1 axis. In other words, issues related to your spouse, partner, bilateral relations and yourself will be on your agenda. You are in a process where you need to be careful not to contradict or become stubborn with your spouse, partner and in your bilateral relations. It is possible for you to buy a house with the help of a secret hand or with help from someone you least expect. If you have health and psychological problems related to yourself, you can solve them this period. It is possible to solve an existing problem with the support you receive from your siblings. Capricorns who want to have children may encounter a surprise.

AQUARIUS: The full moon will affect your 6-12 axis. In other words, your work, daily routine, health, mental state and inner world will be on your agenda. Aquarius people who have problems in their current job may leave their job to get a better job. It is possible that you will receive karmic support to overcome your health problems during this period. It is possible to realize the plans and projects in your mind with the financial support you will receive from your family. Be careful not to behave aggressively in social environments. Do not get into debt without thinking carefully about financial matters.

PISCES: The full moon will affect your 5-11 axis. In other words, issues such as your love life, children, entertainment life, places where you are at the forefront, games of chance, and your social circle will be on your agenda. You may be very popular in your circle during this period. You can start a new love or take your existing relationship to a serious level. Those who are married may encounter a baby surprise. Be careful about poisoning during this period. Be careful about what you eat, drink and the medications you take. Some of your dreams that you have covered up may come back to your mind. You are in the right time to turn these dreams into reality.

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