Wednesday, October 23, 2024

35 years a New Era and a Narrative Of “Thank You!”



Hello everyone,

I wanted to make a change in this article. I chose a different topic. I hope you find it interesting and I look forward to your comments.

It was my birthday in the last week of April. I update myself every birthday. I take notes of what I have learned from life. I wanted to share these conclusions with you. This year is extra important for me, as I am turning 35 and like many women, I am always 35 now!

On special days; it is very nice to feel valuable; I wish those who make you feel valuable also came across people who make you feel valued ☘… I want to thank you. Now let us come; Notes on what I have learned over these years, and what you have learned from experiences:

I went a little, I went a long way. I went straight up and down the stream. On the way, I met Gulliver, giants and dwarfs. I have been the little girl. Sometimes the main girl in the fairy tale… However, no matter what I have experienced and what I have been made to experience, I have always known the power within me. I took what I liked and left what I did not like through the open door of my life into the air space.

According to Einstein, “Everything consists of energy” and when energy turns into matter, it is we and the emotions we feel that give meaning to it. Then everything ends with the person himself. A person who can control his feelings can climb Everest. Then he can reach the point he dreams of.

Throughout my life, I have read with interest the writings or biographies of people who have reached a certain age or achieved success. Maybe to find a common denominator, or maybe to catch different thoughts… I need to follow the paths and traces!

*I learned how important it is to be a good sign reader.

When your zodiac sign is Taurus and your Ascendant is Gemini, curiosity naturally comes with it.

*I have learned how important it is to be curious, research, question life, and be alive.

I once loved the 10-item list of dear Betul Mardin, a public relations doyen in Turkey. He said, “You will walk every day, my child!” It took me years to even be able to give your advice.

*I learned how important it is not to give up.

*And of course, regarding relationships, I can say this:

Life is like a long marathon. Someone will accompany you on this long journey. Sometimes you run, sometimes you walk, and sometimes you rest and watch other runners. Depending on your speed, your companions may constantly change. It all depends on your speed!

Problems may arise as you try to adapt the ones you connect with emotionally to your own pace. That is why it is so important to say goodbye with a smile, just as they entered your life with a smile!

*I learned to let go without trying too hard.

*I can say this about self-discovery:

*Sometimes we love someone very much; sometimes we do not like certain behaviors…

I believe that everyone we encounter reflects us like a “mirror”. So that we can be inspired when we see attitudes, we like in others so that we can stay away from those behaviors when we see behaviors we do not like!

Therefore, we must take care of ourselves first! Because if we did not recognize this attitude, we would not be able to define it… I observed that certain individuals departed from my life on their own accord after this mirror fulfilled its purpose.

*People I encounter; Good or bad, I learned to look at myself from a distance before judging.

*On dreaming and realizing…

This is a deep topic, friends… I liken it very much to the “Pinocchio” story.

Pinocchio is a wooden puppet trying to become human. He has a grandfather who loves him very much. While he tries to be human, he makes all kinds of mistakes, his nose grows and he gets into all of trouble! Here is that story!

Pinocchio keeps carrying a sack with the hope of winning gold, it is quite heavy, and finally, he looks at the sack: many golden leaves!

Can you imagine Pinocchio’s disappointment?

Dreams are just like Pinocchio’s golden leaves. Sometimes only leaves come out! Sometimes only leaves come out! Sometimes only leaves come out! Sometimes it really can be golden!

To sum up, a person can experience dozens of disappointments just for one hope, to catch that one truth!

In addition, while you are trying to realize that dream, that marathon you are running! Hah, those who run with you are changing at that moment!

When you think, you have achieved your dream and look around; you realize that many companions are far away from you!

Some are behind; some are very fast, in front…

You have a dream come true and new faces around you.

*I learned that every beautiful dream has a price. Moreover, I have learned when I have concentrated, I can make it happen. When it happened, I learned that I might not have my old surroundings around me.

I have put two photos below. One of them is a beach photo that makes us think about the length of life and that the path is our path.

The other one is a photo of me giving commands while taking photos and taking them secretly.

*No matter how much you think it directs your life, everything; I learned that there are external factors that we cannot control! I have learned that these EXIST!

That is why I learned to “Do the best I can and leave the rest to God.”

*I learned how important saying “thank you” is for people’s mental health. I learned that taking the positive aspects out of life, like Pollyanna in the story, is very important for happiness.

*I have seen many people who do not know the value of what they have, cannot see, do not research, do not read, do not question, and I learned that staying away from them is necessary for people’s health.

*I believed in Karma. In our language, “We reap what we sow”. That is why one should always keep his energy positive! Since it would be difficult to be optimistic always, the brain should be busy with actions that relax the mind! I have learned that it is necessary to be away from people who have negative energy. I have learned that!

*The summit is full of loneliness! If you have no expectations, you will be equipped with miraculous gifts. Your secret here is; that I learned that it is necessary to be without expectations or keep your expectations from others to a minimum.

*Remember! The main thing is your journey in this life and I have learned that you should choose your travel companions wisely. Everyone else is a guest, and I have learned how important it is to be polite to guests. In addition, this is a matter of culture; I learned that being able to apply what I learned is a virtue.

*I learned that it is important to do your best.

*I believed very much in frequency. You tune in to whatever is on the same frequency. This could be a person, matter, or other things… If the frequency does not match, there is interference, like old radios. Either you stick a fork in it or you change the radio.

Friends, do not force! Move to the appropriate frequency area, that is, change your location! On the other hand, change the radio! The decision is yours. Scan yourself a better frequency range.

*Every time I started a new year, I added something to myself that I had never done before… I have come to this day by doing it. I am glad I did it because a person’s biggest investment should be in himself!

*I grew up listening to how important it is to listen to others, and the truth is, I got bored of it. I also tell you that listening to your inner voice is as important as listening to others. What I mean here is that I learned how important it is to have self-confidence by starting to work instead of losing motivation by listening to people who talk negatively when starting a business. Don’t forget! “The frog that climbs highest is the deaf frog.”

*I always looked younger than my age. This was a situation I did not like when I was very young, but now I am happy about it: The secret is; that I think it means protecting one’s boundaries, not developing anxiety, doing sports, eating healthy, and being able to say “No” to people and situations you do not want. I always knew this; I did it! I will do it again. Try it too! In short: “NO!”

*I learned that protecting the soul as much as the body is important and setting boundaries is necessary to protect against “energy vampires”. Garlic does not work for them either, what works is written above ☝ in short “NO!”

*A valuable person said, “A person is the average of the 5 people he spends the most time with.”

*I learned that the five people around you are important.

*Thinking and making others think

*To inspire and give

*Wearing and dressing

*Giving and receiving

I proudly embrace my past experiences and accomplishments and acknowledge the hard work I put in to maintain balance in life. I am excitedly welcoming my new age with open arms. My unwavering gratitude propels me forward, and I am certain that I will continue to love and appreciate my life. This is the real secret to my success!

Welcome to my new age! Come with increasing health, happiness, abundance, and friendship! ☘


Contemporary Artist

Instagram: tugbayaziciofficial

Facebook: Tugba Yazici

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