Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Annual Astrology Comments With Astrologer Aras Sen; Capricorn,Aquarius





Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 4th House. Mercury, which will start retrograde on April 2, 2024, will travel in Aries and then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you from your 3rd house.

Mercury retrograde in your 4th house emphasizes that you should be careful in your communication with your family during this period. It is not the right time for you to buy a property. Mercury in your 3rd house Pisces will continue its retrograde in Pisces, telling you that you may be misunderstood in your relations with your close circle, siblings, and cousins. If you don’t want to be misunderstood, don’t make vague sentences, and be careful with your words.

The 2nd Mercury retrograde of the year will take place in Leo between August 5 and August 29. In your 8th house, Mercury retrograde in Leo can give you crisis experiences in matters such as taxes, alimony, debts, inheritance, and insurance.

The 3rd Mercury retreat of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26 and December 15. Mercury in your 12th and 11th houses may push you to think about hidden matters. You may prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself and avoid expressing yourself. There may be crises with your friends, or in groups where you take part in society, and plans and events may be canceled or left unfinished due to communication failures. There may be times of tension between you and your friends due to your style of expression and your detective-like investigative attitude.

Mars retrograde of 2024 will take place in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025, rising Capricorns, this Retrograde will take place in your 7th House. Bilateral relationships, relationships involving partnerships, and some problems with your spouse may arise. You may exhibit an overly emotional, manipulative, protective attitude, which will automatically affect your relationships negatively. When Mars is in Retrograde, especially in Cancer, our energy, and anger flow inward and we may experience outbursts of anger in unexpected places at unexpected times, using the power of communication in your relationships during this period, you can save your relationship with the right style of expression.

Jupiter Transit:

Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 5th House as of April 15, bringing you positive influences related to love, creativity, entertainment, and personal expression until the end of the year. The 5th house is connected to personal expression, creativity, love relationships, hobbies, children, and entertainment. This period can highlight the potential for growth and positive change in these areas. With Jupiter’s influence, the potential for expansion in the area of love and romance can increase. The start of new relationships, the deepening of existing relationships, and the increase in romantic moments may be among the highlights of this period. During this period, you may encounter an increased desire and talent for creativity and artistic expression. You may be motivated to start artistic projects, take up new hobbies, or develop your existing talents. With Jupiter’s influence, the potential for an increase in entertainment and enjoyable activities may increase. The desire to engage in more social activities with friends and have fun together may increase. During this period, you may experience positive developments in your relationships with children. Your desire to enjoy parenthood more, spend quality time with children, and support their development may strengthen. Under Jupiter’s influence, your willingness to take risks and focus on creative projects may increase. There may be the potential to dare new ventures, bring creative ideas to life, and express yourself more boldly.

Saturn Transit:

Saturn, lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues to transit your 2nd House throughout the year, bringing important lessons about finances, material resources, and personal values. The 2nd house is often linked to material matters, earnings, expenses, and personal values. Saturn’s disciplined and responsible energy can guide you to confront the experiences in this house and to adopt a more conscious and organized approach to material matters. Under Saturn’s influence, you may feel more responsibility in financial matters. More disciplined planning in terms of budgeting, saving, and setting financial goals can be an important part of this period. The 2nd house is also connected with personal gains. Saturn’s transit in this house can emphasize the need to manage your earnings in an orderly way and grow them patiently. It may be important to evaluate your career goals and make efforts to increase financial security. With Saturn’s influence, you may find the opportunity to review and mature your values. It may be important to think about how important your material assets are to you and how you can manage them more effectively. The 2nd house is also linked to material security. During this period, you can make long-term plans to increase your financial security, review your investment strategies, and take steps to put your financial future on a firmer footing. With Saturn’s influence, you may feel the need to pay more attention to your spending and adopt a controlled approach. Avoiding luxury spending and using your financial resources more consciously may be among the highlights of this period.

North Node Transit:

The North Node will be in your 3rd House throughout the year and eclipses will take place in this house. While the North Node represents areas that are open to future development, the 3rd house is associated with communication, learning, short trips, and fraternal relations. During this transit, you may find the opportunity to improve your communication skills, focus on learning processes, and interact more effectively with your environment. The emphasis of the North Node is on you being open to information, improving your self-expression skills, and building positive relationships with your close circle. This transit in 3rd house can also have an impact on your short trips, fraternal relations, and environmental interactions. During this period, you can be more conscious in communication, learn new skills, and have the chance to establish a closer bond with your environment. The transit of the North Node in the 3rd house represents your mental and communicative development process.

South Node Transit:

The South Node will be in your 9th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. The South Node symbolizes a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, while the 9th house is associated with expanding perspective, higher learning, travel, and philosophical thoughts. During this transition, you may experience a deep inner transformation of personal belief systems, philosophical thoughts, and your life view. The emphasis of the South Node is on learning from past learning, establishing a more harmonious relationship with your inner truths and spiritual growth. This transit in the 9th house can also have an impact on your interactions in the areas of travel, interaction with foreign cultures, and higher learning. This period can contribute to a deeper understanding of your life’s meaning and expand your worldview. The transit of the South Node in the 9th house symbolizes an important step on your path of spiritual and intellectual growth.



Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 3rd House. Mercury, which will start retrograde on April 2, 2024, will travel in Aries and then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you in your 2nd House.

Mercury retrograde in Aries in your 3rd House can cause difficulties and ruptures in communication, short trips, and written and verbal expression. You may send emails and messages to the wrong people. You may have disagreements with your siblings and arguments may arise. Your travels may be canceled at the last minute, the bus may break down and you may be late for your destination. Mercury retrograde in your 2nd House will move in Pisces; you may feel uncertainty and blurriness about your earnings during this period. You may feel lost, you may feel that your mental flow is blurred but don’t worry, this process is temporary. Pay attention to your diet.

The 2nd Mercury retreat of the year will take place in Leo between August 5 and August 29. Do not sign any contracts during this period, problems and disagreements are likely to arise in your relationship and it is very difficult to solve them by talking during this period, so stay as quiet as you can, wait for the end of the retrograde and start solving problems when things calm down.

The 3rd Mercury retreat of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26th and December 15th according to Sidereal Zodiac. It will be in your 11th and 10th house. Mercury in your 11th house Sagittarius will be retrograde for a short time and may cause some ruptures in your friendships. There may be delays in your plans and projects. In your 10th House Scorpio, Mercury will continue its retrograde in Scorpio and in this process, you may experience some communicative disruptions in the fields of career and status. It will be in your best interest to pay attention to your communication with authority figures. You may get the promotion you have been waiting for a long time after Mercury retrograde ends.

Mars retrograde of 2024 will take place in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025, rising Aquarians, this Retrograde will take place in your 6th House. The 6th House covers issues related to your work environment, daily routines, pets, and health. There may be crises related to the health status of your pets. During this period, you may go through times when you will be nervous about your work life, you may feel that your efforts are not rewarded, my advice to you is that if you spend your energy on your personal development and mental health, the negative impact of your work and daily routines on you will decrease. Beware of stomach, chest, and inflammatory diseases.

Jupiter Transit:

Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 4th House as of April 15, bringing you positive influences related to home, family, roots, inner world, and emotional security until the end of the year. With Jupiter’s influence, the potential for expansion and harmony in your family relationships may increase. Your desire to get together with your family more often, to share and spend time together may strengthen. This period may indicate positive changes and expansion in your home. Improving your home, decorating it, or looking for a larger space may come to the fore. With Jupiter’s influence, your potential for increased emotional confidence and inner peace may increase. Your desire to focus more on your emotional needs and to expand in these areas may strengthen. The 4th house is connected to your roots and family tree. During this period, the desire to examine your family history and learn more about your origins may increase. With Jupiter’s influence, there may be a potential for increased openness and openness in family communication. It may be important to express emotional issues in a more relaxed way and strengthen understanding between family members.

Saturn Transit:

Saturn, lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues to transit your 1st House throughout the year, bringing important lessons about personal identity, appearance, and your overall life journey. The 1st house is often linked to individual identity, physical appearance, and general self-awareness. Saturn’s disciplined and responsible energy can guide you to face the experiences in this house and contribute to your personal development. Under Saturn’s influence, you can enter a process of maturation in your identity. You may find the opportunity to better understand, accept, and develop your strengths and weaknesses. Saturn’s transit in the 1st house may indicate changes in your appearance and overall image. You may seek to project a more professional, serious, or mature image during this period. The 1st house is also about your own goals. Under Saturn’s influence, you may feel the need to focus on your own goals and make a more disciplined effort to achieve them. During this period, you can take more responsibility for being the leader of your own life and making your own decisions. You may have the opportunity to be the manager of your own life independent of external factors. Under Saturn’s influence, it may be important to make an effort to realize your potential and discover your inner strength. This process can help you develop a stronger sense of self, built on a solid foundation.

North Node Transit:

The North Node will be in your 2nd House throughout the year and eclipses will take place in this house. While the North Node represents areas that are open to future development, the 2nd house is associated with your material values, earnings, sense of self-worth, and possessive tendencies. During this transit, you may experience a deep inner transformation on material matters, financial security, and personal values. The emphasis of the North Node is on you building a stronger foundation in material areas, understanding your values, and moving towards developing your understanding of abundance. This transit in the 2nd house can also have an impact on your earnings, your material goals, and your values. During this period, you may gain the ability to make more conscious and sustainable decisions in financial matters. The transit of the North Node in the 2nd house represents your maturation process in material matters and values.

South Node Transit:

The South Node will be in your 8th House throughout the year and eclipses will take place in this house. The South Node represents a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, while the 8th house is associated with the deep, mysterious, and transformative aspects of life. During this transition, you may experience a deep inner transformation around death, birth, inheritance, sharing, and revenge. The emphasis of the South Node is on learning from past experiences, personal transformation, and deep connections with others. This 8th house transit can also have an impact on your financial matters, shared resources, and sexuality. During this period, you may find opportunities to better understand your inner strength and make deeper connections with others. The transit of the South Node in the 8th house represents an important step towards understanding and accepting the essential and transformative aspects of your life.


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