Saturday, October 5, 2024

Astrologist Ayten Salami commented: General Effects of 2024



The year 2024 is a period in which the 20-year Pluto Capricorn cycle ends and Pluto moves to Aquarius. 2024 will be a process in which we will bring our souls to wisdom. Saturn will be in Pisces from March 2023 until May 2025. Since the eclipses will occur on the Libra-Aries axis, themes of balance, harmony, justice, and war will be on the agenda. While Jupiter will be in Taurus until the end of May, supporting us to take confident and confident steps, it will move to Gemini after May and we will enter a process where we will question the values, we believe in. We will go back and forth between what we have been taught and our own beliefs. There may be some changes and renewals in the education system this year. Although the themes of war and peace will continue in the world, people will call for justice.

We will want to ensure balance and harmony in unions and marriages. A year awaits us in which we will question the balance of giving and receiving. If we can achieve a balance of love and respect, everything will flow.

Let us talk about the general effects of 2024 on the Zodiac Signs:


Dear Aries, the eclipse that will take place in April 2023 is preparing you for a 19-year cycle. Moonlights are on the Aries-Libra axis until January 2025, and since KAD is Aries, you will be on the path of personal development, learning new things, and receiving new training. You will have new experiences, especially in terms of relationships.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, will be in your second house in Taurus until the end of May this year, increasing your chances of financial and career opportunities. You are at an ideal time to make investments. After May, Jupiter moves into Gemini and offers plenty of opportunities for close circle, siblings, short travels, and education.

You may experience a period of low energy with Saturn in Pisces and your 12th house until May 2025. You can make some decisions while remaining in the background. You need to pay attention to your health during this process. In other words, routine and intensity may tire you a bit.


Dear Taurus, the first 5 months of Jupiter being in your sign until the end of May 2024 will be a pleasant and lucky period for you. After May, with Jupiter in Gemini transit, you will enter a period in which you will strengthen your financial means and investments. Be careful about eating and drinking in the first 6 months, because Jupiter may cause weight problems.

Saturn may put you to the test in your circle of friends and acquaintances, in your dreams, and in the desires, you want to achieve until the end of May 2025. Sometimes you may be tested with your friendships and friendships. You may encounter blockages in the goals you want to achieve. However, do not lose your spirit, because if you are resilient and pass the test, you will receive your reward from Saturn. Dear Taurus, stop dreaming and take action. Saturn is supporting your Asc. Take advantage of the opportunities and chances.

The eclipses of 2024 will occur on the 6-12 axis, that is, in your career and health house. It may provide new job opportunities and a change of workplace. Pay some attention to your health. During this process, pay attention to sleep, eating, and drinking, and stay away from bad habits.


Dear Gemini, the luck and opportunities of 2024 are with you. Jupiter’s presence in your 12th house until the end of May gives you protection from the Divine system. In this process, turning to spirituality is possible to heal the problems you are experiencing. If you have any health problems, you will get good results. After May is your luckiest and most fortunate period of the year. Jupiter moves into your sign and offers you opportunities. Now is the time to take steps in pursuit of goals and desires.

Saturn will have a bit of a challenge on your career and social status until May 2025. Your responsibilities such as job changes, marriage, and having children may increase.

The eclipses of 2024 will occur on the 5-11 axis. You can meet someone new and start a new relationship. Gemini, who wants to have children, luck is on your side. You will receive good news about your married twin children. A year of abundant luck awaits you this year.


Dear Cancers, you will be in a very lucky period in terms of your dreams and goals in the first 6 months of 2024. You will make friends and expand your circle. After May, you enter the Divine protection of the universe. No matter what you experience, you will be protected. You can turn to spirituality and meditate. Pay attention to health.

Saturn transits in your ninth house in Pisces until May 2025. Saturn prepares you for career life, it is time to discover yourself, and it is the ideal time to develop your talents. You may experience problems related to international connections, foreigners, and higher education. If you live abroad, it may be a difficult period for you. Married Cancers may have problems with their spouse’s family.

The eclipses of 2024 will occur in your 4-10 houses in Aries-Libra. Themes of family, home, and home may become active. You can get married and have children. You may want to repair your house or move to a new house. There are renewals related to work and career.


Dear Leos, you are the luckiest person in your career in 2024. Jupiter crowns your career house until the end of May. There are good opportunities for changing jobs and positions, career growth, marriage, and having children. After May, friends, chances for new environments will increase, and the universe will offer you good opportunities to achieve your dreams.

The movement of Saturn in your eighth house in Pisces until the end of May 2025 will put you in a transformation process related to yourself. You may experience a period in which your fears increase and you may realize your shortcomings. During this period, there may be a difficult period regarding joint financial resources and money coming from spouse and family. Nevertheless, remember that Saturn always gives its reward even if it makes you tired.

The eclipses of 2024 will be on the Aries-Libra axis, in your 3-9 houses. This year’s eclipse themes will be related to your close circle, siblings, and education. Foreign-related jobs and education abroad may be possible. If you have a court case, it will likely be concluded.


Dear Virgos, in 2024, Jupiter will be in Taurus, your friendly sign, giving full support to your Asc. Luck is on your side in education, business, and educational connections abroad, with foreigners. You are going through a period where you are preparing for your career. You are in a lucky period in social media, publishing, and legal matters.

Saturn is in Pisces and moves into your house of relationships. It will be here until May 2025 and will bring you responsibility in relationships. You may face problems in your joint work and some problems in your marriage. However, never give up, yes, Saturn’s exams are difficult, but the reward is always good.

The eclipses of 2024 will occur on the 2-8th axis of you, Virgo, in your house of money and equity. This year, issues such as financial investments, joint income, inheritance, and alimony will be on your agenda.


Dear Libra, Jupiter is in your eighth house in the first half of 2024 and brings you luck in matters such as financial gains, joint investments, inheritance, and alimony. As Jupiter transits the eighth house, it helps us face our fears and helps us heal in this area.

After May, Jupiter will move into your ninth house and support your Asc with a 120 angle. Luck will be on your side as your perspective on life changes, you become interested in deeper issues, travel to foreign countries, connections abroad, academic education, and publishing.

The eclipses that will occur throughout the year will occur in Libra-Aries, in your 1-7 houses. This year may be a year where you will question the balance in relationships. You will experience experiences to improve yourself, understand your value, and achieve harmony and balance in relationships.


Dear Scorpios, you are going through a lucky period in 2024 with the planet of luck, Jupiter, in Taurus, in your seventh house, in relationships, and marriage. You are going through a good time in establishing partnerships. While Jupiter in Gemini in the second half of the year brings you good profits in your joint investments, financial support from family and spouse may lead to good developments in your credit-banking affairs.

Headteacher Saturn will make you a little difficult in love and at the same time enjoy life until May 2025. It is possible that serious relationships will lead to marriage, and married couples will have children. Childhood Scorpios may increase your responsibilities.

The eclipses of 2024 are in your 5-11 houses on the Aries-Libra axis. You can make endings and new beginnings in love and relationships and have children. At the same time, new developments may occur in your circle of friends regarding your dreams and hopes.


Dear Sagittarians, Jupiter, the planet of luck, will be in Taurus, your 6th house, until the end of May. It will bring you new opportunities in your business life and solutions to your health problems. Your daily life can be more energetic. It is a good time to start exercising and dieting. Jupiter Gemini transit after May will give luck in relationships and marriage. A relationship that goes well can lead to marriage. A lucky period in joint affairs.

Saturn is in Pisces and your fourth house until May 2025. Your problems this year will be related to family, home, and home. You may have difficulty in these matters and feel restricted. You may experience problems related to the health of your family elders. At the same time, Saturn means responsibility, so you may take on the responsibility of being a parent this year.

The eclipses of 2024 are in your 5-11 houses on the Aries-Libra axis. You can make endings and new beginnings in love and relationships and have children. At the same time, new developments may occur in your circle of friends regarding your dreams and hopes.


Dear Capricorns, luck in love will be on your side in the first half of 2024. You can start new loves; serious relationships can lead to marriage. This year will be a process in which you will discover your talents. Jupiter Gemini transit after May requires you to pay attention to your health. At the same time, new opportunities in business and career will make you smile.

Saturn will be in Pisces, your 3rd house, until the end of May 2025. Your tests will be in favor of your close circle, siblings, and close friends. At the same time, you may feel a little unstable and depressed during this process. It is a good time to improve yourself. There may be disruptions on short trips.

The eclipses of 2024 will occur in Aries-Libra, in your 4th-10th house. You are in an energy that is open to changes in home, family, home, career, and status. You can have your house repaired, move into a new house, and change jobs. There is also the possibility of getting married and having children this year.


Dear Aquarius, Jupiter will move to Taurus, your 4th house, until the end of May 2024. It will bring you luck in family and home matters. There is a chance to grow up in your family and become a parent. Additionally, issues such as buying property, moving, and repairing a house will be on your agenda. When Jupiter moves to Gemini after May, your luck in love will increase. Your love life will revive. The period in which you will enjoy life will begin. Married Aquarians may have children, and you may receive good news about your children.

Saturn is in your second house in Pisces and will stay there until May 2025. There will be a period when you will have difficulty making financial matters. The problems you will encounter regarding investments and the profits of your business may tire you, but be patient, remember that the reward of Saturn is good.

The 2024 Aries-Libra eclipse will occur in your 3-9 houses and will bring new beginnings and endings to these house matters. While the issues of close circle, siblings, and helping them will be on the agenda, there will be new agendas regarding education, self-improvement, and beliefs. Travel to distant countries and cooperation with foreigners may be possible.


Dear Pisces, in 2024, Jupiter will make you happy regarding your close circle, siblings, educational life, and short trips. It will be easier to express yourself and explain yourself. Jupiter Gemini transit at the end of May will bring good developments in the health of the family, home, and elders. Buying a house, getting married, or moving may be on your agenda.

Saturn Pisces transit will occur in your first house until the end of May 2025, limited shares can be chosen regarding your chosen goal. You will experience a period in life that will question yourself and your usability. Responsibility in marriage and relationships can tire you. Saturn can give them a feeling of dissatisfaction with themselves since the first. You may want to request plastic surgery.

The eclipses of 2024 will occur in your 2-8th house in Aries-Libra. Financial gains and self-worth issues will be on the agenda. At the same time, there are new agendas in matters such as joint shares, inheritance, alimony, payments, banking, and loans.

Aytan Salami


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