Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Annual Astrology Comments With Astrologer Aras Sen; Scorpio, Sagittarius





Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 6th House. Mercury, which will start retrograde on April 2, 2024, will travel in Aries and then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you in your 5th House.

In your 6th House, there is a Mercury retrograde in Aries; if you have pets, some issues related to their health problems may be on the agenda for the first time. The disruptions at your workplace can make you very nervous, there may be some situations in your daily life that may work slowly for the first time and you may get nervous and stressed, take care to maintain your calmness. In your daily life, the way you communicate with the means of communication and your environment may distract you from your daily activities.

In your 5th house, Mercury will continue its retrograde in Pisces, which may give you some communication problems with your children, and you may feel lost, thinking that you cannot spare time for your hobbies. It is good to take care of unfinished hobbies during this period. It is not a good time for speculative investments, I recommend you to stay away from taking risks.

The 2nd Mercury retrograde of the year will take place in Leo between August 5 and August 29. Taking place in your 10th House, this Retrograde can give you a delay in your career-related expectations. The promotion you expect may come after a while. If you display egotistical attitudes in communication with authority figures, you may be exposed to unexpected status losses. Be careful to turn inward and pay attention to your communication with yourself in order not to be exposed to and cause crises at work.

The 3rd Mercury Retrograde of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26 and December 15. Mercury retrograde in your 2nd House can give you some stressful situations related to nutrition, self-worth, earnings, talents, and possessions. It is very important to avoid everything exaggerated in this period. Mercury, which will continue its retrograde movement in Scorpio, will be a guest in your 1st House and may give you introspection and self-questioning about everything related to yourself.

Mars Retrograde in 2024 will take place in your 9th House in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025. There will be many developments in this period regarding higher education, your father and paternal relatives, foreign teachings, master, doctorate, your perspective on life, and your teachers, you may be a little passive-aggressive in these areas, and your emotions may interfere with your work and your projects may be disrupted, your visa may not arrive and there may be delays in foreign travels. You may be more protective in matters related to your father, if your father has a long-standing illness, you may take another step for his treatment during this period. If you are a person continuing your education, there may be some disruptions and interruptions in your education life during this period.

Jupiter Transit:

Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 7th House as of April 15, bringing you positive effects on relationships, partnerships, and social interactions until the end of the year. With Jupiter’s influence, the potential for growth and harmony in marriage and partnerships can increase. The desire to deepen existing relationships, step into new partnerships, or solve problems in existing relationships may strengthen. During this period, there may be a potential for increased interaction and expansion in your social circle. There may be an increased desire to meet new people, attend social events, and generally strengthen your social connections. Potential for an increase in your diplomacy and communication skills, understanding, open communication, and solution-oriented approach in relationships may become important during this period. For married couples, there may be positive developments during this period. The potential to focus on goals together, support each other, and pursue common dreams may increase. With the influence of Jupiter, the potential for new partnerships or relationships to start may increase. During this period, the possibility of meeting potential partners and starting romantic relationships may increase.

Saturn Transit:

 Saturn, the lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues its transit in your 4th House throughout the year, bringing important transformations related to your home, family, and roots. This astrological process marks a deep inner transformation in many emotional and domestic matters. Saturn represents responsibilities, discipline, and seriousness. The 4th house is connected with family, roots, home environment, and emotional security. During this transit, you may take more responsibility for your home and family matters and make efforts to strengthen and organize your home. Saturn’s influence in this house can bring a focus on strengthening family ties and relationships. You may take more responsibility among family members and face various challenges to consolidate your family ties. Making arrangements in your home, improving security, or dealing with property investments could be the prominent theme of this period. With Saturn’s influence, more discipline and order may be required to make and implement long-term plans in your home. The 4th house is often associated with the past and roots. During this period, it may be important to confront and learn from past experiences. This process can help you gain inner depth and contribute to your personal growth. This transit can sometimes bring difficulties in family relationships or the need to move away from the family home. This symbolizes a period when you are trying to find your independence and lay your foundations.

North Node Transit:

The North Node will be in your 5th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. While the North Node represents areas that are open to future development, the 5th house is associated with your creativity, entertainment, love, children, and personal expression. During this transit, you may have the opportunity to unleash your creative potential, focus on fun, and strengthen your emotional expression. The emphasis of the North Node is on adding color to your life, enjoying yourself, and discovering your inner child. This 5th house transit can also have an impact on your romantic relationships, hobbies, and creative projects. During this period, you can bring more joy and enthusiasm into your life, have the chance to discover love, and develop your expression freely. The transit of the North Node in the 5th house represents the process of unleashing your creative potential and inner enthusiasm.

South Node Transit:

The South Node will be in your 11th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. The South Node represents a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, while the 11th house is associated with friendships, groups, social goals, and service to humanity. During this transition, you may experience a deep inner transformation of your relationships within your social circle, group dynamics, and connections with people. The emphasis of the South Node is on learning from your past social experiences, serving humanity, and creating a more positive impact on social connections. This 11th house transit can also have an impact on your social networks, group memberships, and interaction with social projects. During this period, you may have the opportunity to better understand your social responsibilities and make a more meaningful contribution to the community. The transit of the South Node in the 11th house symbolizes an important step on your path toward social consciousness and a deeper connection with humanity.



Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 5th House. On April 2, 2024, Mercury will start retrograde and will travel in Aries, then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you in your 4th House.

During this period, you may come across your former flirts, but it is not the right time to contact them. During this period, you can go back to your hobbies that you took a break in the past. This will also be good for your mind. Mercury in your 4th House of Pisces may bring some unexpected crises in your home during this period; such as plumbing malfunction, or technological devices breaking down, wait for the end of the retrograde and then take action. It is not recommended to move, buy, or sell a house during this period, and beware of mistakes when signing a contract. You may need to pay more attention to your communication with your mother, you may be exposed to situations where you may misunderstand each other.

The 2nd Mercury retrograde of the year will take place in Leo between August 5 and August 29. Taking place in your 9th House, this Retrograde may cause some problems and resentments due to communication with your teachers, foreigners, and matters related to abroad and higher education.

The 3rd Mercury Retrograde of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26 and December 15. This Retrograde, which will take place in your 1st and 12th houses, will primarily stay in your rising sign for a short time and describes a period when you need to turn inward and think and make internal decisions about your relationship, business partners, and spouse. I advise you to speak less and think more to avoid communication problems. Mercury Retrograde in your 12th House may reveal some hidden secrets and you may have to deal with crises in business and relationships. Stay calm and try to resolve things internally without letting them escalate and take action when the Retro ends.

Mars Retrograde of 2024 will take place in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025, rising Sagittarians, this Retrograde will take place in your 8th House. Mars, which will reside in your 8th House for a long time, tells you that it is a process in which you need to take careful steps regarding hidden matters, taxes, insurance, alimony, inheritance, investments, and earnings. You need to think a lot before taking action, acting fast may cause you to make mistakes during this period. Your hobbies and interests may also change during this period and you may turn to different fields.

Jupiter Transit:

Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 6th House as of April 15, bringing you positive influences related to daily work, health, service, and routines until the end of the year. With Jupiter’s influence, your potential to encounter success and opportunities at work may increase. Taking the lead in new projects, getting promoted at work or positive developments related to work may be among the highlights of this period. During this period, your tendency to pay more attention to health issues and adopt healthy lifestyle habits may strengthen. There may be positive developments in your exercise, diet, and healthy living habits. Under Jupiter’s influence, your desire to participate in service and charity projects or to put more effort into community service may increase. During this period, you may have the potential to work in harmony with your colleagues, develop positive relationships at work, and increase cooperation. Under Jupiter’s influence, there may be an increased desire for efficiency and order in daily routines. The potential to plan your work in a more organized way and pay more attention to time management may increase.

Saturn Transit:

Saturn, the lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues its transit in your 3rd House throughout the year, bringing important lessons about communication, thought processes, close environment, and siblings. The 3rd house is often linked to mental activities, short trips, relationships with siblings, and close circle. Saturn’s disciplined and responsible energy can help you improve your communication skills, mature your thought processes, and become more grounded in your immediate environment. Saturn’s influence in the 3rd house may require more maturity and responsibility in your communication skills. Expressing more carefully and thoughtfully, and being more disciplined in verbal and written communication can be the keys to this period. If you have siblings, you may feel more responsibility and commitment in sibling relationships during this period. It may be important to make an effort to strengthen your relationships and build tighter bonds with your siblings. The 3rd house is often associated with education. With Saturn’s influence, you may need to make a more disciplined effort in matters related to education and learning. It may be important to learn new information regularly and focus on educational goals. During this period, you may face some responsibilities and restrictions on short trips or in close circles. You may need to organize and plan your travel plans more carefully. With Saturn’s influence, you may cooperate more closely with people in your close circle and share common responsibilities. This can help you strengthen your relationships and take more solid steps in cooperation.

North Node Transit:

The North Node will be in your 4th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. The North Node represents areas open to future development, while the 4th house is associated with family, roots, home, and inner security. During this transition, you may have the opportunity to focus on family ties, understand your inner security needs, and make peace with the past. The emphasis of the North Node is on strengthening your emotional ties, working on your family history, and moving towards feeling inner security. This transit in the 4th house can also impact your home, family, and roots. During this period, you can increase your security, strengthen your family ties, and reach a more internally balanced state. The transit of the North Node in the 4th house represents your process of emotional deepening and maturation in matters of inner security.

South Node Transit: The South Node will be in your 10th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. While the South Node represents a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, the 10th house is associated with career, social status, goals, and public opinion. During this transition, you may experience a deep inner transformation regarding career goals, social status, and public relations. The emphasis of the South Node is on learning from your past career experiences, establishing a more harmonious relationship with yourself and your goals, and understanding your role in the public sphere. This 10th house transit can also have an impact on your work life, leadership abilities, and public image. During this period, you may have the chance to better understand your potential and express yourself more effectively in the public sphere. The transit of the South Node in the 10th house represents an important maturation process in your career and social status.


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