Saturday, October 5, 2024

Annual Astrology Comments With Astrologer Aras Sen; Cancer, Leo





Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 10th House. Mercury, which will start retrograde on April 2, will travel in Aries and then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you in your 9th House.

There may be a communication breakdown at work, some tensions with your bosses, signing a wrong contract, and incomplete and incorrect invoicing. I advise you not to make any job changes, operational changes, etc. Mercury retrograde, which will continue its transit in your 9th house by moving into Pisces between April 14 and April 25, may cause some disruptions in your long journeys, higher education, doctorate, etc., cancellation of projects, and questioning your beliefs. Airplane hijackings and delays are very common in this period, so please review your tickets carefully.

The 2nd Mercury retrograde of the year will take place in Leo between August 5 and August 29. Leo is your 2nd house and a Mercury retrograde here may give you difficulty in expressing yourself, you may be allergic to some foods. There may be some disruptions and cancelations related to short trips. There may be a stabilization in your money flow during this period, you must take care to keep your money and maintain that fine line between generosity and extravagance. There may be problems with your vocal cords, so I recommend you use a more quiet and controlled tone of voice.

The 3rd Mercury Retrograde of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26 and December 15. For you, this transit will take place in your 6th and 5th houses. Be careful not to disturb your nervous system by stressing too much in your daily work.

Mercury, which will continue its Retro transit in Scorpio in your 5th House on December 1-15, may bring you news from your old flirts. I suggest you not rely too much on your ex-lover who says that he misses you and loves you because they will disappear again after this period ends.

Mars Retrograde of 2024 will take place in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025, rising Cancers, this Retrograde will take place in your 1st House. This Retrograde, which will take place in your rising sign, is very important for you. During this period, you need to take care of yourself in every field from physical health to mental health. Mars retrograde will cause you to make some personal and relational inquiries during this period. The dynamics in your relationship may change, and the discussions you will have with your lover or spouse may put you in trouble to make some decisions. Your anger may build up inside you and your passive-aggressive behavior may harm you and your environment. There may be some crisis and protective situations with your children and dates during this period. For your mental health, I recommend meditation, yoga, walking, and other activities that are good for you. You can achieve balance in your work and private life by turning inward without paying attention to external factors and by taking care to control your anger.

Jupiter Transit:

Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 11th House as of April 15, bringing you positive effects on friendships, social networks, group activities, and achieving goals until the end of the year. The 11th house is connected with friends, social networks, planning, and projects needed to achieve goals. With Jupiter’s influence, the potential for expanding your friendships and making new connections may increase. The desire to expand your social circle, join new social groups, and associations and establish positive friendships may strengthen. During this period, you may have the potential for increased participation and cooperation in group activities and you may get opportunities from the communities you join. With Jupiter’s influence, you can focus on your projects to achieve your goals. Working in cooperation, focusing on common goals, and social support can make it easier for you to achieve your goals. During this period, your desire to contribute to society and serve humanity may strengthen. There may be a growing interest in new goals and ideals. There may be potential to raise awareness on social issues, strive for change, and participate in projects related to social justice.

Saturn Transit:

Saturn, the lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues to transit your 8th House throughout the year, bringing deep transformations in your life, shared resources, and important lessons in your relationships with others. The 8th house is often associated with shared resources, inheritance, transformation, sexuality, and deep connections with other people. Saturn’s disciplined and responsible energy can help you confront experiences in this house, deal with inner transformations, and put your relationships on a firmer footing. Saturn’s influence in the 8th house can signal a period of increased financial responsibilities. You may need to adopt a more disciplined approach in matters such as shared resources, loans, and debts and be more careful in financial planning. The 8th house is also associated with transformation and rebirth. During this period, you may want to face inner transformations, let go of old patterns, and develop personally. It may be important to deal with challenges and make an effort to become a stronger version of yourself. Under Saturn’s influence, your partner relationships may deepen and become more committed. Taking a more emotionally mature approach can help you build a stronger bond with your partner. The 8th house is often connected with issues such as inheritance, insurance, and taxes. During this period, you may need to face and take more responsibility for the issues you may face in these areas. The 8th house is also related to sexuality. Under Saturn’s influence, you may seek a deeper balance between sexuality and emotional ties. It may be important to develop more understanding and commitment in your relationships.

North Node Transit:

 While the North Node represents areas that are open to future development, the 9th house is associated with your travels, learning processes, expansion, higher education, and philosophical thoughts. During this transit, you may have the opportunity to explore new areas for your personal development, understand different cultures, and be open to knowledge. The emphasis of the North Node is on connecting with your inner wisdom, expanding your worldview, and moving toward spiritual growth. This transit in the 9th house can also have an impact on your higher education, travel, and philosophical thoughts. During this period, you can increase your openness to learning, interact with different cultures, and deepen your personal beliefs. The transit of the North Node in the 9th house represents an important phase in your quest for knowledge, expansion, and personal growth.

South Node Transit:

The South Node will be in your 3rd House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. The South Node symbolizes a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, while the 3rd house is associated with thought, communication, learning, siblings, and short travels. During this transit, you may have the opportunity to review your communication skills, methods of acquiring knowledge, and sibling relationships. The emphasis of the South Node is on understanding your past thought patterns and communication habits, evolving and developing a healthier communication style. This 3rd house transit can also bring the chance to deepen your mental abilities and learning capacity. You can increase your knowledge through short trips or educational opportunities. This period can contribute to expressing your thoughts more clearly and communicating more effectively with your environment. The transit of the South Node in the 3rd house symbolizes an important step for you towards a deeper and more meaningful connection in communication, supporting your mental evolution.



Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 9th House. Mercury, which will start retrograde on April 2, 2024, will travel in Aries and then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you in your 8th House.

You may experience some questioning about your beliefs, and your perspective on life. Long journeys, plane trips, or going abroad for business/education purposes may be delayed, your visa may not be issued, and the plane may be delayed. In such situations, you should take care to maintain your calmness without showing too much aggression. There may be problems, ruptures, and misunderstandings in higher education and communication with foreigners. Mercury in Pisces, which will retrograde to your 8th house on April 14, may make you feel like you are drifting in emotional matters. Your emotions may be unbalanced and this may cause eating and drinking problems. You may also develop some addictions during this period, so please be careful.

The 2nd Mercury retrograde of the year will take place between August 5 and August 29 in Leo, in your 1st house. During this period, you may feel incomplete in achieving your wishes and ideals, make mistakes, and fail to use communication properly. You may move away from your circle of friends, turn inward, and question what you want. You are likely to criticize yourself mercilessly about your self-worth. There may be a return to the old way of eating and drinking, and it is important to pay attention to weight gain or unhealthy eating patterns.

The 3rd Mercury Retrograde of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26 and December 15. Starting in your 5th House, the retrograde may give you delays and nostalgic effects on your love life; one of your old dates may reach out to you, and you may restart a subject you used to be interested in as a hobby. You may talk to your children about the past and tell them nostalgic stories. Most of Mercury retrograde will be in your 4th House and Scorpio; there may be some crises about home, family, your inner peace, your need for security, your mother, and your immovable properties. It is not recommended to sell your properties such as house, land, or car or to buy such properties during this period. You may need more peace of mind, so it may be good for you to take time for yourself and do subconscious cleaning.

Mars Retrograde of 2024 will take place in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025, rising Leos, this Retrograde will take place in your 12th House. The 12th House is a secretive area, it governs the collective subconscious, bedroom pleasures, dreams, vacations, retirement, and hospitals are among some of the subjects of this house. Mars, which will reside in your 12th House for a long time, may remind you about crisis issues from the past. You may have agendas such as university, master’s degree, or some projects forcing you to work and produce something by shutting yourself down. You may experience some delays in matters such as going abroad, getting a visa, moving, or migrating.

Jupiter Transit:

Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 10th House as of April 15, bringing you positive influences related to your career, social status, achieving goals, and business life until the end of the year. The 10th house is connected with career, social status, and public life. With Jupiter’s influence, your potential for career advancement and opportunities may increase. New job opportunities, promotion opportunities, or achievements in the social sphere may be among the highlights of this period. During this period, your desire to increase your social reputation and gain recognition may strengthen. You may have opportunities to receive positive feedback on your work, have your projects recognized, and interact in the social sphere. With Jupiter’s influence, you will receive more support in achieving your career goals. There may be potential to take more responsibility in your professional life or gain the courage to initiate big projects. Your desire to put your career on a firmer footing and focus on long-term success goals may strengthen. Under Jupiter’s influence, your desire to take social responsibility and contribute to society may increase. You may have agendas to focus on serving the community through your work, to participate in social responsibility projects and you may have a chance to get opportunities in your career through these issues.

Saturn Transit:

Saturn, the lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues its transit in your 7th House throughout the year, bringing important lessons about relationships, partnerships, and marriage. Saturn’s disciplined and responsible energy can guide us to mature our relationships in this house, putting them on a solid foundation and contributing to our personal growth. If you are married, Saturn’s transit in the 7th house can cause you to feel more responsible in your marital relationship. It may be important to make an effort to strengthen your commitment to your partner and focus on long-term goals. If you are in a romantic relationship, your relationship may mature and become calmer during this period. It may be important to make efforts to resolve problems in your relationship, to better harmonize with your partner, and to balance mutual expectations. The 7th house is also connected with business partnerships. With Saturn’s influence, you can take more responsibility and increase strategic planning in your relationships with your business partners. Focusing on common goals and strengthening cooperation may gain importance. With Saturn’s influence, you may encounter challenging experiences in relationships. This may require more effort in relationships and a more disciplined approach to solving problems. Flexibility and patience are important to cope with possible restrictions. Saturn’s transit in the 7th house can also indicate a search for personal growth and inner balance. You may turn to various self-development methods to find your inner strength, strengthen your self-esteem, and build balanced relationships.

North Node Transit:

The North Node will be in your 8th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. While the North Node represents areas that are open to future development, the 8th house is associated with your transformation, depth, sharing with others, and shared resources. During this transition, you may have the opportunity to focus on your transformation, create deeper connections with others, and utilize resources jointly. The emphasis of the North Node is on you moving towards inner empowerment, feeling deeper, and connecting more intimately with others. This transit in the 8th house can also have an impact on your finances, inheritance, or resources from others. During this period, you can deal more effectively with transformations in your life, make strong connections, and have the chance to discover deeper meaning in your life. The transit of the North Node in the 8th house represents your karmic learning process of deepening and transformation.

South Node Transit:

The South Node will be in your 2nd House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. The South Node represents a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, while the 2nd house is associated with material values, personal resources, earnings, and self-worth. During this transition, you may experience a deep inner transformation in material matters and personal values. The emphasis of the South Node is on discovering your true self-worth beyond material gains and creating a healthier material balance. By reviewing your past material goals and values, you may have the opportunity to better understand your inner strength and worth. This transit in the 2nd house can also bring a focus on understanding your resources, financial habits, and material gains. You may get the chance to explore your inner potential to build a more solid foundation in financial matters, organize savings, and express your true worth. The transit of the South Node in the 2nd house represents an important step for you towards achieving a healthier personal and financial balance.


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