Hello again everyone,
I was away from you for a while. I went on a long journey. When I say travel, you wonder where to go. Don’t be confused, let me help you right away… I went on a mental journey. 😊 why!? That point was a process where I was put to the test again and made me decide what I wanted. I fought for a long time and finally recovered… After the pain period, I am still in the process of understanding myself, finding new ideas, and implementing them from the slightest image, sound, and phone conversation. It’s both fun and tiring. Whatever you are for, live for it, bring it to life, and be happy with it! Here I am again in a fun cycle.
Sometimes, to rise to the surface, we sink to the bottom and use the buoyancy of the water to surface again. Well, for me, the buoyancy of the water became breathing and yoga again. It is now an indispensable, infallible experience and it became clear after experiencing it a few times. Sometimes we say that we experienced the event we experienced once and learned a lesson and will not do it again, but have you actually understood the lesson you learned from that situation? If we do not understand it, we are already experiencing that situation again. Anyway, I won’t go into too much detail about these parts right now.
Breath is the part that we call the essence of life. The heart can stop for 40 seconds and then work again, but unfortunately, we say goodbye to life as soon as breathing stops. I would like to draw your attention to the word “breathing”. The breath I take in and the breath I breathe out because I am grateful to be alive.
Thanks to correct breathing, we calm down and relax. The thing that doctors give the most important advice in hospitals and tell their patients is the correct way to breathe. Thanks to the correct way to breathe, weight loss becomes easier and your thinking power improves. These are all survival sequences. I can almost hear you say how difficult it can be to breathe, but believe me, if I had known what breathing was since my teenage times, I would either not have experienced most of the traumas I am experiencing now, or would have survived them with minimal damage. The process works in such a way that as you experience the correct way to breathe, your quality of life and performance change.
In our current age, nothing remains secret anymore, there are applications that we can access for all kinds of information, but information pollution and people who only receive personal development training are becoming increasingly judgmental about life. Unfortunately, this is an endless process, we need to look at not “I know something”, but “How can I improve what I know?”, “What more can I do?”, and we definitely need to share the information with everyone who wants it most beautifully and understandably. Seeing this openness and hunger, I say that I am very excited to encounter you again with my articles and new workshops. I am always with you with my Reiki energy, my visions, my feelings, my yoga, and my breathing. You can easily reach me on Instagram.
I thank you and a bittersweet farewell to say goodbye to 2024!
Melis Gence
Instagram @melispurelife