Wednesday, October 23, 2024

28 August – 3 September Week And Full Moon İn Pisces



On August 30, 2023, we will experience a Saturnian blue Full Moon at 7 degrees Pisces. It is called blue because there are two full moons in one month. We experience a New Moon and a Full Moon every month. August is an irregular month in which we have had one new moon and two full moons. This Full Moon will be a period in which we will reap the results of the steps and initiatives we took in the last New Moon. Due to being Saturnian, conditions and conditions can force us. In cases where Saturn accompanies, we should not shy away from responsibilities, the price will be heavy. In addition, since Saturn is on the royal star of Fomalhaut in degrees, it is possible for moral and honest people to receive their karmic merits, that is, to rise and reach the top. Since Pisces is a changeable sign, there will be changes in the decisions we make or in the situations we are in. Pisces is related to fluid things such as seas, liquids, gases, infectious diseases, alcohol, narcosis. If this period is not urgent, it is better not to undergo surgeries that require narcosis. We are not in the right period for situations such as aesthetics anyway. In particular, it is useful to be more careful about situations such as natural gas leaks and poisoning. Let’s not put ourselves in victim mode and manipulate the other person.

Let’s come to the effects of our rising signs,

Aries: The full moon will enable you to become enlightened in your inner world and to distinguish between your friend and foe. Perhaps the veil from your eyes will be lifted, and seeing the truth will make you sad as well as mature. If you think of it as a breaking or turning point in your life, there will be a period for you where you will say that whatever loss you come back from is profit. It’s a time to be wary of theft. There will also be sudden unexpected expenses and expenses. It is possible that you will experience some problems in your family and career life.

Taurus: You are in a period when you are being tested in your friends and social circle. So to speak, you will now be more selective and careful because of the friend stakes you eat. You will remove unnecessary people from your life and you will be surprised at this yourself. With the completion of your old or pending bilateral agreements, your business life will revive, but the money you expect may be delayed a little. For this reason, you may want to take out a loan, or you may need to use the savings you have.

Gemini: With this Full Moon, your agenda will be your career life. You may enter the process of restructuring your career life due to the problems you are experiencing. If you do not fulfill your responsibilities, your career-related problems are likely to grow. It will be to your advantage to redraw your path and implement your plans and projects. Some Gemini zodiac signs may get their due. Solving some family-related problems will relax you in this regard and allow you to focus on your work. Also, you are in a period when you will be in an intense rush about your children.

Cancer: After the difficulties you have experienced, it is time to reap the rewards of the investments you have made in yourself. You can settle in the University/field you want, complete your academic education, do an internship in the field you want, go abroad and achieve success in your business life. If any, your lawsuits may result in your favour, and you can learn a foreign language. You have to persistently go over the points you have difficulty with. During this period, both your own love life and your children’s love life can strain and tire your family. It will be in your best interest to remain silent on these issues and not to make things worse.

Leo: With this Full Moon, you are in a period where you will get results in checks, promissory notes and receivables. Do not lend money to anyone during this period, even to people you trust. You may want to enter trade with the financial support you will receive from your family. You may receive money through inheritance or alimony. Or it is possible for you to regain your delayed rights. This is the time when you need to take care of your health.

Virgo: This Full Moon will test you in your bilateral relations. Some things about your partnerships are coming to light. Relationships that are meant to end will end, while relationships that are right for you continue. You may learn some things your spouse is hiding from you. You may have to help your siblings financially. You are entering a process that will take you to the top in your career related to your life. Challenging but beautiful developments are waiting for Virgos who do academic education.

Libra: With this Full Moon, you have a period ahead of you when you need to get your business life, health and daily affairs in order. Some Libras leave their current jobs, while jobless Libras find employment. You should pay attention to your health and stop unbalanced nutrition. There will be agendas that will enable you to take steps and reach a decision on the issues you are undecided about. It is possible that your problems in financial matters will provide relief with additional work from your social circle.

Scorpio: You can make decisions in order not to wear out more in emotional matters. You should get your love life in order and act more realistically. As if you can’t say amen to an impossible prayer, chasing or dreaming of relationships that will not happen will provide you with nothing but a waste of time. Some Scorpio zodiac signs may marry, while those who are married may decide to have children. For Scorpio signs, who are engaged in creative works such as cinema and theater, they are in a period where developments will occur and they will achieve success.

Sagittarius: With this Full Moon, your agenda will be your home and career. You are likely to deal with issues such as home sales, home buying, home security, home decoration. It is possible that some problems may arise in the family. These problems are related to your expectations from your family. There is a change in your career. Some Virgos may be promoted, while some Virgos may start working from home. You may have to deal with the health problems of your parents.

Capricorn: With this Full Moon, you will be focused on turning your talents into work. You can make connections for a new venture, new ideas, and new projects. These connections may also be foreign-oriented. Control your excitement so that you do not make a mistake when making a contract. If these projects are decisions taken before Mercury retrograde, there is no problem, but if they are situations that develop suddenly during Mercury retrograde, you should wait. Do not involve your friends in your work, do not let them direct you.

Aquarius: With this Full Moon, your agenda will be money and investment. You have to balance your income and expenses financially. You should be careful while investing and you should not trust anyone. It would be in your best interest to seek help from experts in these matters. Otherwise, risky investments may bring losses. Watch your spending. Beware of being scammed and deceived when buying and selling cars. Aquarius signs dealing with trade can make attempts to open up abroad.

Pisces: With the Full Moon in your sign, you can innovate in all your living spaces. Your appearance, work, environment, relationships, health, behavior, etc. If you have learned to set boundaries in your relationships, this process will be positive for you. You will not have to make an effort to achieve your dreams. Pisces signs in serious relationships can get married or engaged.

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