Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Moon Eclipse in Scorpion



A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun and prevents the Moon from receiving the Sun’s light. . Every month there is a new moon and a full moon. New moons create a solar eclipse, and full moons create a lunar eclipse. There are 2 solar and 2 lunar eclipses every year. In some years, this number may increase. We call such years irregular years. For example, in the year of the pandemic, there were 4 lunar eclipses and 2 solar eclipses. In 2023, there will be 2 solar and 2 lunar eclipses in a regular year. We
experienced the first solar eclipse on April 20, 2023.

On May 5, 2023, a lunar eclipse will occur on the fixed star Zuben El Genubi at 14 degrees Scorpio. This eclipse will be what we call a shadowy eclipse and it will be a secret, sneaky, under-running eclipse. . The fixed star Zuben El Genubi is one of the most problematic. Uranus seems to leave its mark on our lives with this eclipse. When you say fixed star, Uranus, Mercury retrograde, fasten your belts, this eclipse will not be so easy to get over. Since it will take place in the second decan of Scorpio, that is, in the fixed decan of a fixed sign, the events will not be immediately visible and the Scorpio energy will be experienced twice as intense. Scorpio means change, transformation. Here, we are talking about a transformation that is experienced with crises, seeing the bottom of the crisis, while the transformation is taking place. In this period, while experiencing emotionally intense events and experiences, sudden events, endings, ruptures, exciting and interesting events occur in our lives as the eclipse forms an opposition to Uranus. It would be best to stay calm and not resist the changes in our lives. Otherwise, it doesn’t seem possible to get out of this harmless. Whichever house Scorpio falls in in your natal chart, there will be changes in your life. During the eclipse, Mercury is in a Retrograde position in Taurus, which is the opposite of it, so we feel insecure and restless. Since the Scorpio-Taurus axis is mostly related to financial areas, there are sudden ups and downs in terms of monetary issues and financial markets. Let’s take care of our money, our property, our property. Let’s not risk it. The structures thatwe see as very strong will be shaken. Like companies, institutions… Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions will be in question, and all hidden events will come to light. The background work of politicians will be visible with this eclipse. Corruption and unlawfulness will all be revealed.

The lunar eclipse times, which were previously shaded at 141 saros, are as follows.

-1 March 1915, 10 degrees Virgo
-12 March 1933, 21 degrees Virgo
-23 March 1951, 2 degrees Libra
-2 April 1969, 12 degrees Libra
-14 April 1987, 23 degrees Libra
-24 April 2005, 4 degrees Scorpio
-5 May 2023, 14 degrees Scorpio
-16 May 2041, 25 degrees Scorpio

Let’s come to the reflections according to our rising signs;

Aries ; You are in a period where you will experience the crisis and change financially. Pay attention to the experiences you will have in your sexual life. If you have secret relationships based on sexuality, it can cause problems. Stay away from all kinds of secret affairs during this period. If you have such works, it’s only a matter of time before they come to light.

Taurus; There will be a period when you will experience change and transformation regarding yourself and your relationships. It seems likely that you will make surprisingdevelopments and radical decisions regarding your relationships and partnerships. There are cases of marriage and divorce with a sudden decision. If you have background works such as cheating, threats, scams, it’s only a matter of time before they come out.

Gemini; There are some career-related problems. It seems likely that you will experience friction with your colleagues and colleagues, and your daily routine will be disrupted. You are in a period of time in your business life where you can find ways out of unfinished projects and failing jobs. The hustle and bustle in your working life can spoil your health. It would be good for you to remain calm in these matters. Do not resist the change in your work, career and daily routines.

Cancer; You can learn about the secret events of your platonic love, your secret love’s life. You may experience a number of events related to your child. Think before you embark on big adventures. Avoid risky investments. Stay away from stock market and speculative investment environments.

Leo ; There is change and transformation in the field of family and career. Health problems of family members and financial crises are likely to occur. Be careful about financial and moral problems in the family, scandalous events, inheritance, alimony, debts, receivables.

Virgo ;It is possible that you will experience breakups and endings due to being deceived by your siblings, cousins and close circle. It is a period in which you will experience delays and difficulties in debts, receivables, payables, and commercial matters. Be very careful when taking steps in commercial matters. Your travels may be delayed or you may experience some disruptions in this regard.

Libra; You are in a period when you have to manage the problems you will experience in the field of material resources very carefully. You may suffer from fraud, theft and debt. Try to stay away from joint ventures as much as possible. There is a case of being harmed by the partners and learning the secret affairs of the partners.

Scorpio; A period begins for you in which your life will radically change, transform, and even reborn from your ashes like a phoenix. But it won’t be as easy as you think. Transformation is in crisis, it hurts, but there is a new you. Sudden marriage, divorce, moving situation seems likely.

Sagittarius; Ah, we Sagittarius  many events played behind our backs will all come to light one by one. But the Sagittarius who had a secret relationship burned down and they will also appear. Unemployed Sagittarius will be employed, but you may encounter mobbing situations at the workplace you enter. You will experience the transformation to the fullest in this area.

Capricorn; Your circle of friends will change, your environment will change. You will enter new friends, new environments. It is possible to expand your current business or to offer business partnerships. You can start a new love, relationship. If you have a child, you can take care of him and make decisions about his future. You can decide to have children.

Aquarius; You are in a period where you will find it difficult in your career. If there are jobs that you have done secretly, they will come to light in a way that will leave you in a very difficult situation and your reputation will be damaged. You can put your family and home life in order. You can buy a house, you can get married.

Pisces; If you have situations such as overseas, foreign-related jobs, international travels, you are likely to incur losses. Siblings, cousins, a period when you are supported in close relationships and you can be instrumental in good events in their lives.
Instagram: Astrologjulideiyit

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