Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mercury Retro



The famous communication planet Mercury, which we are all familiar with from the media, begins its retrograde. It will begin its retrograde motion at 15 degrees Taurus on April 22, 2023, and it will retrograde until it reaches 5 degrees Taurus by May 14, 2023. In fact, Mercury is not retrograde, but appears to be going backwards to us because it is slowing down
relative to the Earth’s rotation rate on its axis. It just slows down. The slowing down of the speed of a planet means that it causes disruptions in the matters it represents. If the speed of the planet increases, being out of bounds causes extremes in the subjects it represents. No new business is started when Mercury is retrograde. Retros give us a chance and time to complete our unfinished, unfinished works. We will see the right and wrong in our lives and end all events based on the past. Let’s listen to our inner voice, this Retro will be very supportive in our perception of events in our life. We are in a period where we need to be economically careful because it is in the sign of Taurus. In addition, the fact that Mercury retrograde coincides with the time of eclipses indicates a difficult process with financial ups and downs. Although the union of Uranus and North Node points to the opportunities and chances that we will encounter, it is possible that these will be short-lived due to the Retro process. While the eclipses shook the whole world this year, they will give a lot of support to many of us individually, but those who deserve it. Mercury Retro calendar is located below. Take it into account when starting a new job.

20-22 April 2023 Mercury is stationary
April 22 – May 14 Mercury retrograde
May 14-16 Mercury is stationary
The effect on our rising signs;

ARÄ°ES: It is a period when you will have financial difficulties. There may be some disruptions in commercial agreements. It would be right to leave events such as contracts, agreements, signatures to the post-Retro. Dealing with your retroactive receivables will prevent you from experiencing financial difficulties.

TAURUS: You are in a process that affects your health, your appearance, you, in short, your whole life. I suggest you think carefully to make the right decisions. It is a period when you need to re-evaluate and re-evaluate issues such as a job, agreement, contract, relationship that you left unfinished.

GEMÄ°NÄ°: It’s only a matter of time before secret enemies, secret relationships, suppressed feelings, and issues that you don’t accept will come to light. It is also possible that you will learn things about your family that are hidden from you. You will have to deal with things that are not in the account that you never expected. There are also events related to abroad.

CANCER: There are some problems and disruptions related to your siblings, social environment, projects and group work. You may feel narrowed, stuck, and pressured about your career.

LÄ°ON: Since this Retro takes place in your career field, it’s a good idea to double-check every step you take regarding your job. For example, a small mistake in your price offer can cause serious financial losses. It will be good for you to handle every job you postponed from the beginning and finish it. Both in terms of your career and social status.

VÄ°RGO: It is possible for problems to arise in situations such as plans and projects related to yourself and your business, travel plans, business agreements. Be more careful about legal and commercial events.

LIBRA: If you have a job to manage other people’s money, it is a period when you are open to troubles and problems in terms of attention, common property, property, money. Intense meditation to overcome the distress caused by financial problems will be a savior for you.

SCORPÄ°O: Retrograde, which will take place in your opposite sign, will force you in bilateral relations and agreements. Covered and ignored issues about your marriage or the people you partner with will come to light. You will question the value you place on yourself. Don’t be offended.

SAGÄ°TTARÄ°US: Retro in your 6th house will force you in the area related to your business life, your bosses and your health. If you have checks that you need to do, be sure to do it. Avoid making sudden decisions in your business life. Beware of misunderstandings.

CAPRÄ°CORN: Problems with your love life that you ignore may come to the surface. It is possible that third parties are involved in your relationship. There may be misunderstandings between you and your children, if any. Stay away from the stock market and risky investments.

AQUARÄ°US: Retro, which is in the field of your family, family life, home, responsibilities, will challenge you in these matters. Your fears of material possessions and the burdens you have accumulated in your inner world may come to light.

PÄ°SCES: You are in a period where you will experience disruptions in matters such as siblings, cousins, close environment, travels and trade. Pay attention to correspondence. Situations such as wrong e-mails, missing the appointment time or misunderstanding are possible. Avoid new beginnings.
Instagram: Astrologjulideiyit

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