Saturday, October 5, 2024



Welcome 2024

“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but...

Journey to the Land of the Vikings: Dublin

It was June. While I was thinking about a different itinerary, Dublin was calling me! I was ready to fly to Dublin of the...

Eagles Fly High

Hello everyone, my beautiful readers… I had a full month of December, so much happened! I hardly have time to breathe, that's all, you guess...

If You Had a Second Chance…

“There is a library between life and death,” said he. “Shelves in this library go forever more. Each book offers you the chance to...

Migration – Return to the Self…

Greetings beautiful souls of ARTTMODERNMIAMI ! I am happy to return to this wonderful organization, where I was a guest writer recently with my article...