Saturday, March 15, 2025



Loved For The Very First Time

Your face catches the sun Then you look at me Storms brew within my soul I can't simply say I love you and move on I pause, lost...


The past sometimes can't go away, stays. Just like our scars, the wound is no longer there, but the scar is and sometimes that...

Healthy Society, Healthy Family, Healthy Human Relations

"A strong mindset, the first step in the outlook on life of those who lead a happy life, are taken in the 'family'. Therefore,...

19th August Full Moon in Aquarius and effects to...

Hello everyone! On August 19, 2024, there will be a Full Moon at 6 degrees Aquarius according to Sidereal Zodiac Hipparcos Ayanamsa. Those with planets...

Ayurveda and Oil Pulling; PART I, Use of Natural...

Ayurvedic medicine, which has been practiced in India for 5000 years, is a system that aims at the continuity of natural body health and...

My Pebble

You are my little pebble  Finding your own path,  While I am the vast ocean  Waiting for you. When we unite,  With the strength of your small heart,  You will...