As of Monday, we are starting the week by increasing our energy. The weekends especially on Sunday, January 12, when the Moon enters Cancer. On January 14, a full moon will occur in Cancer and we will experience a week where we will feel the effect of the full moon intensely. The full moon will bring the fate of the fixed star Pollux to the agenda at 23 degrees of Cancer. Pollux is located at the beginning of the Gemini constellation. This effect represents the beginning of events. While Mars continues its retrograde motion at 0 degrees of Leo, Mercury is at 27 degrees of Sagittarius and its negative aspect with Neptune is definite.
Let’s examine its effect on the signs.
As of January 6, family, home life and career life come to the forefront on the agendas of dear Aries. Aggression will be a little high, especially until January 14. You may feel that you need to take responsibility in matters that require creating a safe space for yourself and creating order, making career plans, etc.
Especially if you have an important meeting on January 6-7, it may not turn out the way you want.
A philosophy you believe in may lose its effect at this time. You may also feel that your energy increases to attract and achieve things in your life at the beginning of the week. Your courage may be in place, giving you the power to succeed. However, understand well the issues, people, and conversations that seem like opportunities that come your way. Some realities may not show themselves on January 6-7 as you think.
Where do I belong in life and what are my needs? Which dynamics do I need to structure? You should ask yourself these questions.
The healing energy will be high with the water element. Understanding the issues that disrupt your life and workflow and working on yourself through introspection will be effective.
The 11-degree Leo point is triggered by Jupiter, realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Taurus and Rising Taurus, you are trying to be one with your close friends. You love them like your family. You feed and care for the people you love. You even want someone to do the same for you. Sometimes, if you encounter recurring issues, you may need to realize that you need to make new choices. This may feel like torture at first. Don’t let the feeling of being crushed under a relationship or group of people that you never wanted to make some choices make you angry. Calm down because you will discover a new idea. Maybe it is time for you to dedicate this idea to communities where you feel more secure and satisfied, where there is a new group of people. For example, maybe you have wanted to join meditation groups for a long time but now is the time.
A week when you should be especially careful about your financial resources and investments. Be careful when shopping online. Sensitivity and absent-mindedness are again the fruits of the day. (January 6-7)
Avoid making hasty and impulsive decisions.
Venus’s Saturn aspect, observe yourself in your career and relationships. There may be obstacles but know that it is a temporary transit.
11 degrees Leo point is triggered by Jupiter, realize that everything comes from the act of giving within your means and helping a child.
Dear Gemini and Rising Gemini, confidentiality themes will come to the fore in your relationship dynamics on January 6-7. Especially for a business agreement, contract, or commercial issues, you are likely to experience some situations that seem positive but you will not be very happy with. You should always analyze well no matter what it is. Read the things you sign carefully. Sometimes big promises and promises are made. However, when the situation and conditions change, the promise is forgotten. In order not to experience this situation, avoid making a promise that you cannot keep.
Trust your value, resources, and destiny. Avoid everything exaggerated. It will be easy for you to face unresolved problems on a psychological level.
Dear Cancer and Cancer Ascendant, the full moon will trigger all the relationships you have established in your 1-7 axes and all the professional and career-centered areas you will do.
The full moon contains the energy of letting go due to its structure. Sometimes you will be in a state of seeing the true face of some of your relationship dynamics. New relationships may start during this period. You will be able to get support from important and authoritative areas and people. However, it is necessary to remember this when dealing with Mars Metro. Know that these people come from your Future Lives. I will explain this extra in the Mars Retro article. Stay tuned.
Your ambition and aggression will be high in relationships during this period. Ambition moves us forward, but if you are exposed to manipulation with a sense of power, you may tend to suppress your anger. In order to get out of this area, connecting with the sea and water or traveling with Neptune support will be good for you.
It is also possible to participate in artistic activities. You may join some organizations but you may have difficulty in continuing the responsibility of this. You may avoid facing some of your feelings.
You may want to be isolated on January 6-7. Sometimes it is nice to turn these feelings into inspiration.
Discover your creativity by being with yourself.
Dear Leo and Rising Leo, as the moon starts the week with the energy of Aries, you may feel the urge to take action to discover new places and new people. You may especially be eager to increase your resources and income or increase your value. You are sure of your courage in the areas where you want to show yourself. Be extra careful about the promises you make. Especially in financial matters, expenses and extra different payments may come as a surprise without realizing it regarding credit cards, legal affairs, and taxation. You should use your mental quality well regarding joint earnings and acquisitions. Especially on January 6-7,
As of January 9, you will want to have your feet on the ground a little more and you will want to structure your income and expense balance. The full moon occurs on the 6-12 axes. You should understand your subconscious impulses. Without belittling your current values, the system will encourage you through your common values.
If you have an illness, care about it during this period. A good healer, an area where healing is possible may come across you.
The 11-degree Leo point is triggered by Jupiter, realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Virgo and Virgo ascendant, Mercury’s passage to Sagittarius has caused some blockages and postponements in your dialogues with your close circle and terms of socialization. You need to make an effort for important business and contract agreements during this period. Neptune’s negative aspect will occur from the 3rd house to the 7th house on January 6-7. This is an indication that there will be misunderstandings in your relationships. Maybe the promises promised to you are not fulfilled as you hoped right now, but this process will allow you to create important structures in the social and career fields.
Abandon old structures, Mars retrograde especially wants you to reconsider your hopes.
Focus on the realities in your relationships and life flow, charity, cooperation, social organization, and different. Bringing groups together or taking part in those environments will provide you with spiritual and psychological support.
The 11-degree Leo point is triggered by Jupiter, realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Libra and Ascending Libra, it is time for you to focus on your real expectations in relationships with Venus Pisces course. Focus on the sentence “Where did I really overstep my boundaries, lose my balance, and sabotage my value”. Maybe you have exhausted yourself too much physically in your life flow.
Do not neglect to rest yourself.
If you have a health problem, be extra careful when having your doctor’s check-ups.
Again, a sky with effects such as absent-mindedness and forgetfulness while driving in traffic.
Take advantage of the stability and order aspect of Capricorn and be aware of your own emotional needs.
Saturn in the 6th house is actually structuring your inner world and daily routine habits so that you can get on the path of your dharma (life purpose).
If there are issues that come your way, especially about lineage karma, this is a good time to work on them.
The healing energy will work strongly.
Your role may change and your desires may differ due to the service you provide to society.
The 11-degree Leo point is triggered by Jupiter, realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Scorpio and Ascending Scorpios, your desire to appear in the press-publishing, publishing, and international arena may increase. Check if you are persistently continuing an old order and habit. If so, it is a very suitable time to quit. It is not yet a suitable time for new beginnings. If you remain in a state of suppression regarding anger, sensitivity may develop in the stomach and head area. Your deepest need is for change and transformation, you have the power to transform many issues. Just make sure you do not become a fanatic.
If you have children, expenses may increase during this period. Or you may enter a state of financial pressure.
The 11-degree Leo point is triggered by Jupiter, realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Sagittarius and Rising Sagittarius, Mercury has put a bit of a squeeze on you in terms of communication with the Sagittarius transition. Maybe you didn’t want to talk or didn’t mean it that way.
You may need to touch someone’s heart by saying effective words. Trust your creativity!
Let words not hurt and heal. Choose this aspect of this time. Maybe you were disappointed by your spouse, partner, or accomplice. Write your inner feelings on a piece of paper and you will experience inspiration.
This period is not a suitable time for an agreement, contract, signature, or purchase and sale transaction.
If there is a necessity, you should analyze it well.
Due to the effect of the full moon, you will focus on your financial resources and payments. As a new agenda, you will develop in an area you left unfinished and discover your new face.
You can choose to express your feelings freely. Its opposite is throwing dead soil into your heart.
The 11-degree Leo point is triggered by Jupiter, realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Capricorn and Ascending Capricorn, the sun has entered your 1st house and with this effect, you will see that you are more confident and your self-esteem has increased. You will be affected by the decisions you will make during this period in both your career, status, and family life. You will tend to stand behind all your decisions.
Sometimes this causes conflicts that bring power and struggle in relationships. During this period, you can release some events in your close circle without pushing too hard. You can get support from your close circle during this period. Someone will be ready to make sacrifices for you. However, you do not leave things to chance. Mercury’s transit in the 12th house forced you to stay in your mind area internally. You said, “I do not understand even if it is prominent.”
You will tend not to trust the promises given on January 6-7. “You know something,” I say. If you hear things being talked about behind your back, invest in your quality of mind and focus on yourself.
Jupiter triggers the 11 degrees Leo point. Realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Aquarius and Ascending Aquarius, do not overexert your relationships and financial resources. You should consistently complete whatever responsibility you have taken without putting yourself in a victim consciousness.
Life is mostly about being on the road. This full moon will affect your life by leaving your domestic habits and analyzing your behaviors to renew.
You will feel free if you do not put your feelings in a mental hospital. You should provide stability without overdoing it in financial matters. Your interest in metaphysical subjects may increase in particular. You may find yourself researching various spiritual, metaphysical, and subconscious subjects internally.
Communicate as clearly and concretely as possible with the people you will enter and communicate with on January 6-7. Since it is an energy that is open to errors, it will carry themes of being deceived.
Jupiter triggers the 11 degrees Leo point. Realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Dear Pisces and Ascending Pisces, you may question your value and feel distant from relationships with the effect of Venus and Saturn conjunction this week. No matter what kind of feeling you have, be gentle with your needs and body and be honest.
These are all that is asked of you.
It is not a very suitable time for a change of image.
The full moon may feel like you need to prove your existence in social groups due to your role in society. For example, you may want to reveal your creativity, the issue of marriage, and children.
Since you receive Uranus’s support, it will push you to change emotionally and physically.
Be free and think freely.
It is time to heal your relationship with yourself during this full moon.
Jupiter triggers the 11 degrees Leo point. Realize that this actually comes from the act of giving everything within your means and helping a child.
Stay with love…
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Oguzhan Aslankurt
Phone: +90532 425 4326