“Contemporary Voice of Art, Culture and Life”
“Everything is energy and everything is just that. When you adapt to the frequency of the reality you want, there is nothing more to do, that reality belongs to you. There is no other way. This is not philosophy, it is physics.” said Einstein, and I am starting the first article of 2025…
We started 2025 with a new page, a new beginning, and renewed hopes… We generally begin every year like this, but while some can achieve their dreams, others save their hopes for the next year. With a weak hope after dozens of disappointments… However, we are more determined than ever.

Our newspaper was born in November 2022 and is full of hope as always… We filled it with all my valuable friends who wrote throughout 2024. We added a new brick every day. You have seen and will continue to see the overflow of knowledge, energy, and joy from the posts of each of our writers. We have had friends who left us and at the same time, we have had valuable friends who have recently joined us. Just like life itself… We will continue to lay a stone on the path to happiness with every share.
As the Great Leader Atatürk once said, “A healthy mind is found in a healthy body.” This emphasizes the importance of strengthening physical health first, which can lead to better mental well-being. With determination, we can lay a brick on our chosen path each day. ARTTMODERNMIAMI NEWSPAPER will continue to serve as the “Contemporary Voice of Art, Culture, and Life.”
Welcome, 2025! We await you with hope as the healthy, contemporary voice of life.
Tugba Yazici
Multidisciplinary Artist & Producer
Founder of ArtTmodernmiami Newspaper and one of its authors
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