Saturday, October 5, 2024

Annual Astrology Comments With Astrologer Aras Sen; Virgo, Libra





Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 8th House. On April 2, 2024, Mercury will start retrograde and will travel in Aries and then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you in your 7th House.

Mercury retrograde in your 8th house can drag you, as your ascendant lord, into some crises in mental matters. You may realize that you have some thoughts about yourself that you need to change. During this period, you may want to do research like a detective and you may exhibit a manipulative attitude in communication. Mercury retrograde in your 7th House on April 14 may test you in matters related to your relationship, marriage, and business partners. Misunderstandings and wrong ways of expressing yourself can put a strain on your agenda. If you can’t express yourself correctly, your relationships and business partnerships may be in a difficult situation.

The 2nd Mercury retrograde of the year will take place in Leo between August 5 and August 29. With Mercury retrograde in your 12th House, you may find yourself wanting to retreat. It will be very good for you to go on vacation and go back to yourself and clear your mind. If Virgos are waiting for retirement, they can retire during this period, you can go on vacation and travel, but since Mercury is Retro, there may be some disruptions and delays in the processes.

The 3rd Mercury Retrograde of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26 and December 15. This transit will take place in your 4th and 3rd houses. During this period, you may experience crises regarding your peace of mind, security, and communication with your family, and you may have to have misunderstood conversations with your family. Mercury retrograde, most of which will take place in Scorpio, may give you some setbacks in your 3rd House in matters such as your close circle, cousins, siblings, short trips, and education. On short trips, you may encounter many problems such as losing your belongings, getting the ticket time wrong, the bus breaking down, and being late to your destination.

Mars Retrograde of 2024 will take place in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025, rising Virgos, this Retrograde will take place in your 11th House. If you have a circle of friends and communities and associations you are involved in, you should be a little careful when taking action here. There may be ruptures in your circle of friends during this period. The problems you will experience with your friends may be a sign for you to remove some of them from your life. You may be exposed to crises and manipulative actions, which may cause problems in your relationships, with your siblings, and close friends.

Jupiter Transit:

 Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 9th House as of April 15, bringing you positive influences related to higher education, long journeys, foreign cultures, philosophy, and spirituality until the end of the year. With Jupiter’s influence, your potential to achieve success in higher education or academic fields may increase. The desire to study abroad or to delve deeper into philosophical thought may become stronger. During this period, the desire to take long trips and explore different cultures and traditions may increase. You may have the potential to expand your worldview and outlook on life by traveling to foreign places. With the influence of Jupiter, your interest in spiritual and philosophical matters may increase. You may be more inclined to meditation, yoga, or spiritual research. Reflection on the meaning of life and universal connections may be more prominent. The 9th house also represents legal matters. During this period, you may experience lucky developments in legal matters, or your potential to find support in legal matters may increase. With Jupiter’s influence, you may have more potential to develop a philosophical perspective and adopt a positive attitude toward life. Your desire to look at life’s difficulties from a broader perspective and find positive solutions may strengthen.

Saturn Transit:

 Saturn, lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues to transit your 6th House throughout the year, bringing important lessons about daily work, health, service, and routines. The 6th house is often linked to tasks at work, health, and daily routines. Saturn’s disciplined and responsible energy can guide us to confront experiences in this house, organize our daily work, and pay more attention to health matters. Under Saturn’s influence, you may feel more discipline and responsibility at work. Making efforts to fulfill your duties in a more organized way and to improve your work performance can be one of the important themes of this period. The 6th house is also related to health. Saturn’s transit in this house may require you to pay more attention to your health and adjust your health routines if necessary. Nutrition, exercise, and regular doctor check-ups may be important. Relationships at work may gain importance during this period. With Saturn’s influence, it is important to make an effort to cooperate more effectively with your colleagues and strengthen your professional relationships. The 6th house is associated with order and planning. During this period, you can try various strategies to better organize your daily work, improve your planning skills, and increase efficiency. With Saturn’s influence, you may feel more responsibility for helping and serving others. Volunteer work or being more active in social services can be considered during this period.

North Node Transit:

The North Node will be in your 7th House throughout the year and eclipses will take place in this house. While the North Node represents areas that are open to future development, the 7th house is related to your relationships, partnerships, marriage, and collaborations. During this transition, you may have the opportunity to find balance in relationships, cooperate with other people, and develop partnerships. The emphasis of the North Node is on understanding your relationship dynamics, developing empathy, and moving towards living in harmony with other people. This 7th house transit can also have an impact on your romantic relationships, marriage, and business partnerships. During this period, you can strengthen mutual understanding, deepen your relationships, and improve your ability to cooperate. The transit of the North Node in the 7th house represents a process of maturation and karmic learning in your relational experiences.

South Node Transit:

The South Node will be in your 1st House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. While the South Node represents a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, the 1st house is associated with your self-awareness, appearance, and personal identity. During this transition, you may experience a deep inner transformation in your relationship with your core self and the outside world. The emphasis of the South Node is on understanding your personal needs, increasing self-esteem, and exploring yourself more deeply. This process can help you to better understand and express the power and potential that comes from your essence. This transit in the 1st house can also increase your awareness of your appearance, behavior, and overall self-image. During this period, you may have the chance to discover the power of your essence and project it more authentically to the outside world. The transit of the South Node in the 1st house symbolizes a profound evolution in matters of personal growth and self-awareness.



Mercury Retrograde is taking place in your 7th House. Mercury, which will start retrograde on April 2, 2024, will travel in Aries and then move into Pisces on April 14, 2024, and continue to affect you in your 6th House.

Mercury retrograde in the 7th house will be about relationships, marriages, business partners, and your communication processes with them. In relationships and partnerships, some secrets may be revealed, and misunderstandings may occur, but in this case, it will be healthier for you to keep your calm and collect data carefully without using the information immediately. It is a period when you feel that you cannot communicate as you want, you feel that you are not understood. Mercury in your 6th house will continue its retrograde in Pisces and may give you some problems with your pets and some disruptions in your daily routines. You should be careful at your workplace, and stay away from gossip, you may have indiscreet behavior during this period.

The 2nd Mercury retreat of the year will take place in Leo between August 5 and August 29. If there are big opportunities and ideals you are waiting for during this period, you may need to put them on hold for a while because while Mercury is retrograde, your wishes will be delayed and you may experience disappointments. There may be communication problems and resentments with your older siblings.

The 3rd Mercury Retrograde of the year will occur between Sagittarius and Scorpio between November 26 and December 15. For you, this transit will be taking place in your 3rd and 2nd houses. During this Mercury retrograde, you may communicate with your close circle, siblings, and cousins on some issues from the past, and you may be exposed to misunderstood conversations. Your technological devices may malfunction, take care not to buy a new device before the retrograde ends. You can protect yourself from the negative influences around you by using secretive language in communication. The majority of Mercury retrograde will take place in Scorpio in your 2nd House; there may be some disruptions in your eating and drinking patterns, starting a diet, and loss of appetite. You may question your self-confidence and self-worth.

Mars Retrograde of 2024 will take place in Cancer between December 7, 2024, and February 24, 2025, rising Libras, this Retrograde will take place in your 10th House. Issues related to status, career, employers, and authority will be on your agenda. You can show a protective and defensive attitude about your career. Beware that you may be in a passive-aggressive mood at work. You can spend your energy not on aggression but on how you can grow your business and make a name for yourself.

Jupiter Transit:

Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, and abundance, moves into your 8th House as of April 15, bringing you positive influences related to transformation, deep understanding, shared resources, and mystical matters until the end of the year. The 8th house is connected with matters beyond death and rebirth, shared resources, loans, inheritance, transformation, and mystical experiences. With Jupiter’s influence, the potential for growth in your personal transformation and rebirth processes can increase. This house is like the Phoenix, it teaches you to be reborn from the ashes. The desire to learn from past experiences, inner empowerment, and focus on the process of personal transformation may strengthen. During this period, your potential for an increase in shared resources and opportunities may increase. There may be positive developments in matters such as inheritance, loans, financial collaborations, or partner resources. Interest in mystical matters may increase. The desire to engage in spiritual pursuits, meditation, and inner exploration may strengthen. Jupiter’s transit in this house can increase your interest in spiritual growth and evolutionary journeys. Personal development and deep inner exploration can be one of the focal points of this period. There may be positive developments in joint financial collaborations and investments. During this period, there may be positive agendas and income increases in your partner’s financial matters.

Saturn Transit:

 Saturn, the lord of karma, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and maturity, continues its transit in your 5th House throughout the year, bringing important influences related to creativity, love, and personal expression into your life. The 5th house is usually associated with fun, children, creativity, romance, and personal expression. Saturn’s disciplined and serious energy guides you to deepen and mature in these areas. Saturn’s influence in the 5th house allows you to develop your creativity and artistic talents in a more disciplined way. If you are involved in a branch of art, you can work with more dedication and seriousness during this period. In love relationships and romance, you may experience a greater sense of responsibility due to Saturn’s influence. Building a more solid foundation in your relationships and establishing a serious bond may be at the forefront during this period. The 5th house is also related to children and parenthood. Saturn’s influence in this area can bring more seriousness and responsibility in parenting matters. Your desire to build a more solid relationship with your children and guide them better may increase. There may be a change in your sense of fun and risk-taking tendencies during this period. You may tend to adopt a more careful and responsible approach to matters you previously took lightly. With Saturn’s influence, it may be possible to understand your personal expression and creativity more clearly and set goals. You may try to manage your creative projects in a more organized way. Although Saturn’s influences are usually associated with discipline and seriousness, it’s important to remember that these qualities are intended to make your creativity and personal expression stronger during this period. Nurturing your creativity with a more mature perspective can help you achieve long-term success.

North Node Transit:

The North Node will be in your 6th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. While the North Node represents the potential and purpose that you need to develop in this lifetime, the 6th house refers to the areas of daily routines, service, health, work environment, and focus on details. During this transit, you can further your karmic learning process by focusing your personal development on various aspects of your daily life. The emphasis in the 6th house is on service, establishing regular work habits, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and attention to detail. During this period, you may have the opportunity to contribute more to society by expressing yourself in various fields of service. At the same time, by paying more attention to the details in your daily life, you can experience a supportive development in achieving your personal goals and achieving inner balance. This transit can be an important step in your journey of spiritual growth and in the light of the North Node, it can lead you to a deeper search for meaning and purpose.

South Node Transit:

The South Node will be in your 12th House throughout the year and eclipses will occur in this house. While the South Node signifies a point where experiences and learning from past lives accumulate, the 12th house is associated with the inner world, the subconscious, spiritual development, and your inner secrets. During this transit, you may have the opportunity to understand unconscious limitations, deepen your inner world, and discover your spiritual potential. The emphasis of the South Node is on learning from past spiritual experiences, being at peace with your inner world, and focusing on spiritual growth. This transit in the 12th house can also have an impact on your dreams, your experiences with meditation, and inner exploration. You may have the chance to understand and deepen your spiritual journey during this period. The transit of the South Node in the 12th house symbolizes an important step in your process of finding inner peace and spiritual balance.


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